Thursday, May 11, 2006

Jesus (Hay-zeus) Part 2

You may remember Jesus DeLeon from my April 24th post. Well, I'm in the eye doctor's office this morning, and lo' and behold but who walks in and sits right beside me? It's Jesus!

I immediately said "hey, Jesus, how ya' doin'?!" I think I startled him a bit at 7:45 in the morning - but remembered me pretty quickly and we began to chat. Jesus needed glasses and fortunately the Workforce Center was picking up the tab. I asked him how he got here and he said a friend brought him and pointed outside. He did say he had secured a part-time job as a maintenance man at a local apartment complex which was great news, really good to hear and not surprising. He gets there by City bus and the Workforce center provides him a daily bus ticket.

I told him I had dropped by a time or two and ran into his son. He seemed kind of embarrassed by that for some reason so I scaled back my conversation. I was really hoping he'd be around when I came back out but he was gone. I need to go visit Jesus in the evening when I might catch him there. Made my day to hear he's hanging in there and working now.

Bizarre coincidence or God continuing to move in my life?


Bryan Tarpley said...

Hey Kent!

I've been reading through your blog and I envy how connected you are through your career to those in need. I don't get a lot of that as a Systems Administrator :) Thanks for your encouragement regarding my class.

KentF said...

Thanks Bryan - You're probably being a bit kind, but I'm trying. Congrats on your new baby Jack!