Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Josh & Joel

I ran into Jesus (Hay-zeus - see previous posts) yet again -this time at a local bank. Uncanny is such an understatement. I've run into Jesus now three times in totally differing settings. We had chatted before about his sons doing some work for me, and I brought the conversation up again when he was lamenting that Josh did not have the money for driver's education.

I suggested to him again in this meeting that his two sons - Joshua-16, and Joel (pronounced Jo-el)-14 come do some work with me on Saturday. Due largely to the short work week, I more or less forgot that I told him "this Saturday". He told his sons the news - and obviously they thought I meant it - thank goodness.

Joshua called me out of the blue Friday evening to ask if we were still on for the workday. I was surprised to say the least, but happy he called. We discussed the scheduling - and agreed that Sunday afternoon worked much better for everyone. So, I picked up Josh and Joel Sunday afternoon - and we did some painting and work around my house for three hours. I paid them each $6/hour - and they seemed delighted. They worked hard, are great young men - and we made it back home in time for them to attend Sunday evening services at Salvation Army.

A great Sunday afternoon for all.

1 comment:

Agent X said...

Go Kent!

Well done. Praise the Lord.

And you got some painting done.

Many blessings...