Friday, August 26, 2005

A Plastic Jesus to the World?

plastic jesus love you
Originally uploaded by eecue.

"Hey Bob, how goes it?"

"Just fine and you?"

"Fine. Hey, how about that Tiger Woods?"

"Awesome, man. Later."

"Yeah, later".

What does it take to be real and authentic? We know Jesus was real. He touched lepers, fed the hungry, spent time with the poor and oppressed, taught patiently and generally emptied himself completely for humanity.

But, what else? Didn't he speak in often plain, spiritual truth to people in the marketplace? Seekers like Matthew, Zachaeus, the woman at the well and Nichodemus responded. So, too, however, did the religious zealots. They responded with fear and loathing. He was real and he wasn't concerned if certain people didn't like his realness.

Being authentic is attractive, almost magnetic to those with aching hearts. It's uncomfortable to those consumed by the falseness, the plasticness if you will, of this world. They are controlled by plastic in their wallets, and they at times almost want to look plastic - no sags please.

What's on your heart? What has Jesus done for you?

Let someone know.

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