Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Two Gotchas

John 1:35-50 – Two big-time “Gotchas” in this Scripture.

From Stephen Arterburn - More Jesus Less Religion“Nathaniel was about to experience a most personal encounter with the Messiah – and it would change forever any notion he might have had about an aloof, impersonal God.”

Gotcha No. 1

Setting – John the Baptist is preaching at Bethany. Jesus of Nazareth is seen by John and John declares “He is the Christ, the Son of God.” Two people hear this declaration and follow Jesus. One of two who heard John and had followed Jesus was Andrew, a fisherman from Bethsaida. Andrew goes to tell his brother, Simon (Peter).

There Jesus first meets Simon for the first time – vs. 42. – Jesus already knew Simon and his family and tells him so! Somewhere between Bethany and Bethsaida, Jesus from Nazareth tells Simon from Bethsaida, having never met him, who Simon is. Wow!

Gotcha No. 2

Jesus then meets and calls Philip, also from Bethsaida. Philip goes to tell his friend Nathaniel about the Messiah. Nathaniel responds – vs. 46. Jesus meets Nathaniel in the same way he met Simon. Nathaniel is defensive “How do you know me” – Jesus responds – I saw you under the fig tree before Philip told you about Me.” Nathaniel also declares He is the Son of God. Jesus tells Nathaniel he will see far greater things.

Really is awesome that Jesus knows us that well - maybe a bit scary too - but don't we always go to the legalistic side of the ledger? :-) Yes indeed.

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