Monday, January 01, 2007

2007 Blessings!

Happy New Year friends! I'm going to start the new new year with a few small devotionals.

There are tremendous blessings in my belief because________? Hopefully, we can all meditate for a moment and fill in that blank.

1. Because God is merciful
Deut. 4:31 - 31 For the LORD your God is a merciful God; he will not abandon or destroy you or forget the covenant with your forefathers, which he confirmed to them by oath.

2. Because God is ever-giving
Gen. 1:29 Then God said, "I've given you every sort of seed-bearing plant on Earth And every kind of fruit-bearing tree, given them to you for food. To all animals and all birds, everything that moves and breathes, I give whatever grows out of the ground for food."

3. Because the Lord Knows Me
John 1:48 "How do you know me?" Nathanael asked.
Jesus answered, "I saw you while you were still under the fig tree. I saw you there before Philip called you."

4. Because Jesus is my Friend
John 15:13 No one has greater love than the one who gives his life for his friends.

5. Because the Holy Spirit will Help me.

John 14:26 But the Father will send the Friend in my name to help you. The Friend is the Holy Spirit. He will teach you all things. He will remind you of everything I have said to you.

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