On rare occassions my blog takes a religious/political spin, and, I thought on this election day of 2006 I would do so again.
Until further notice is given I am hereby aligning myself with the yet-to-officially-be-named-candidicy of Barack Obama, junior democratic senator from Illinois. This decision was made after watching THIS video today. I cannot recommend highly enough that you invest about 50 minutes of your time and watch or listen to this speech Barack made last June entitled "A Call to Renewal". The video camera position is static throughout the speech, hence, it's not great viewing, but it is absolutely required listening. So, download it to your Ipod, however you do that, and listen to it at your leisure. But, as we say here in deep East Texas - I double-dog dare you to listen to this speech - and not be moved.
I found the speech not only enlightened me to Barack Obama the man, but allowed me to see that his moral, spiritual and political planes are directly aligned with mine at this moment. I don't think that is just a random coincidence.
Lest you think this is just another blogging liberal, look at my political track record since 1980 just in terms of who I voted for in the presidential race:
1980 - Reagan
1984 - Reagan
1988 - Bush
1992 - Bush
1996 - Dole
2000 - Bush
2004 - Bush
My transformation to a more mainstream way of thinking began earlier this year and it has led me to Barack Obama should he choose to run, and it looks like he will. Again, listen to his message and see what you think.
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very nica blog.say the princess of
the dead sea.
I hate to be so off subject, but do you know whatever happened to Bren Hughes & blog?
Just wondering...
Mike - Bren and his wife had a baby and moved to Florida where Bren is working somewhere there as a college campus minister. He hasn't posted since July. I, too, hope he comes back.
Great thoughts.
I think a Hillary/Obama ticket in 2008 just might be the best ticket. Can you imagine the first woman president and black vice president or even vice versa would be a great move for America.
OK, Kent. I accidentally found your name on Mike Cope's blog and was caught by your comment that "the rich worry about presentation" when it comes to food. It sounds like we're reading the same books or the same sociological studies. Have you read a book lately about the poor entitled something like THE CULTURE OF POVERTY or clost to that? It's mainly aimed at educators? Also, I just looked at your voting record and also noticed that you like Don Miller. Has he influenced you politically? I'm just wondering because he has influenced me more in a (for lack of a better word) liberal direction. He kind of makes you dislike the evangelicals a bit in SEARCHING FOR GOD KNOWS WHAT.
Now I am going to go watch the OBAMA VIDEO.
Thanks Cindy, I will get the book to you I'm referencing - but the information on food was from a recent ACU lectureship series by Don McLaughlin from the North Atlanta CofC. Don was extracting his info. from a book. The book you mentioned sounds familiar, but I have not read it. I do really like Don Miller, and he's had some impact on my political change over the past year. Thanks again.
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