Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Greed in the Church

I read an interesting, but sad AP wire story in the paper a couple of days ago
regarding scams going on in churches. The reason, at least in part I believe, that scams like these are on the rise is because greed is on the rise in churches, particularly the mega-churches where wealth, idolatry and the church being seen merely as the "vendor of religious goods and services" is so pronounced.

The article is sad in that the scammers are so successful in the church environment is because the wealth with ease (i.e. no effort) is the next logical step on the road to earthly success. In other words, church-goers in 2006 have worked very hard and accumulated some wealth, so isn't the next logical step to put some or all of this money in an investment vehicle that will double in the next 30 days? After all, look at the good I could do with the money.

Now, there is certainly no harm in earthly success in and of itself, but, unfortunately, so many churches are becoming nothing more than places to find more personal fulfillment on the journey to success. The whole "missional church" theme and idea is really nothing more than the lastest catch phrase to most, if it means anything at all.

Jesus did not preach against money or wealth, but he did have a lot to say about money and wealth, which leads to greed and idolatry. Such as this lesson:

The Parable of the Rich Fool
13Someone in the crowd said to him, "Teacher, tell my brother to divide the inheritance with me."
14Jesus replied, "Man, who appointed me a judge or an arbiter between you?" 15Then he said to them, "Watch out! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed; a man's life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions."


Agent X said...


good post. good choice of topics. I think we American Christians don't take Greed very seriously as we should. I think it takes a back seat to sins like racism, homo/extramarital sex, and violent video games etc, in our communal concerns. and yet, I think it is probably at least as bad a problem in our lives as any of those, and for most of us much worse.

I am betting you do not struggle personally with racism, homo or extramarital sex or violence at your house. Maybe you do (don't answer that), I dont want to make light of any of that if it is a struggle for you, but I bet greed is a struggle you most often dont really ever even consider. I know that is the way it works at my house.

So, keep exploring it. I think it is a convicting sin for us, but we have to be confronted with it before we can admit it is our problem. Your post is a step down that road.

Thanks for sharing...

Many blessings...

Agent X said...


I know I made the "you" in that comment sound very particularly as though it ment Kent. It was intended to be more generic than that, applying to anyone reading here.


KentF said...

Thanks Mike - points well made and I understand the "you" in there :-).

I think most Christians, myself very much included, wish we had more money to give - period. But, it doesn't work that way - and the slippery slope in that thought process is indeed slippery in this case.