Friday, July 28, 2006

Ann Coulter - Right Wing Mouth and Plagiarist

I listened to the third part of a series this morning on Focus on the Family with Dr. James Dobson. He was speaking with two political/religion historians whose names escape me just now and they were engaged in a lively debate regarding the religious/political history of America that was actually stimulating for a change.

In regards to the claim that the religious far right is always angry - Dobson stated something to this effect - "Everything I have stated on this show has been recorded and is available on tape. I've written 30 books, and I've spoken thousands of times. And, not once I have said something hateful to someone."

To my knowledge, that is correct. I've never heard Mr. Dobson speak hatefully. As the liberal spokesperson immediately and correctly pointed out, however, Dobson is not the lone voice for conservatives. And, this is the hypocrisy of the issue. Right wingers will gleefully tell liberals they must get Howard Dean, Jesse Jackson, or whoever is generally making a supposed fool of themself at the time, to shut up. But, they don't say the same thing about similarly-foolish right wingers like Ann Coulter, Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell. Mr. Dobson apparently does not see this irony.

The loudest voice right now without a doubt is Ann Coulter. I first started paying attention to Ms. Coulter several months ago when Harding University dropped her from their speakers series list after an uproar caused by Harding alumni bloggers largely. Bravo for bloggers!

Coulter is in the news these days because she's been accused of
- a charge she has apparently done little to defend herself against. To say that Ms. Coulter is filled with anger and hate-speech is an understatement. I, for one, believe it's all a schtick of hers to make major bucks, but it is sad nonetheless - and very harmful for the religious right that is being painted in the same light as her.

1 comment:

Jason said...

I just found your blog through Wade Hodges'. I've enjoyed reading it. You speak truth starkly I think.