I listened to the third part of a series this morning on Focus on the Family with Dr. James Dobson. He was speaking with two political/religion historians whose names escape me just now and they were engaged in a lively debate regarding the religious/political history of America that was actually stimulating for a change.
In regards to the claim that the religious far right is always angry - Dobson stated something to this effect - "Everything I have stated on this show has been recorded and is available on tape. I've written 30 books, and I've spoken thousands of times. And, not once I have said something hateful to someone."
To my knowledge, that is correct. I've never heard Mr. Dobson speak hatefully. As the liberal spokesperson immediately and correctly pointed out, however, Dobson is not the lone voice for conservatives. And, this is the hypocrisy of the issue. Right wingers will gleefully tell liberals they must get Howard Dean, Jesse Jackson, or whoever is generally making a supposed fool of themself at the time, to shut up. But, they don't say the same thing about similarly-foolish right wingers like Ann Coulter, Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell. Mr. Dobson apparently does not see this irony.
The loudest voice right now without a doubt is Ann Coulter. I first started paying attention to Ms. Coulter several months ago when Harding University dropped her from their speakers series list after an uproar caused by Harding alumni bloggers largely. Bravo for bloggers!
Coulter is in the news these days because she's been accused of
- a charge she has apparently done little to defend herself against. To say that Ms. Coulter is filled with anger and hate-speech is an understatement. I, for one, believe it's all a schtick of hers to make major bucks, but it is sad nonetheless - and very harmful for the religious right that is being painted in the same light as her.
Friday, July 28, 2006
Saturday, July 22, 2006
Hey Ralph Reed - you Lost - get over it
Ralph Reed, former Christian Coalition kingpin lost in his bid to become Lt. Governor of Georgia last week, possibly marking the end of Mr. Reed's quest for public office. Seems those direct ties to one fairly evil-dealing Jack Abramoff were a little too much to overcome.
Any research of Mr. Reed generally reveals and reflects much of what is wrong with the Christian Coalition. What's the old saying "power corrupts" and "absolute power corrupts absolutely", well, I can't remember it exactly on this rainy, lazy Saturday, but Ralph has a fairly checkered past that is not too becoming for anyone, let alone someone directing a Christian organization. His nickname among insiders, not critics mind you, was Ralph "Greed".
Absolutely nothing wrong with Christians voicing their opinion in the marketplace - that's what it's all about. But in this day and age you throw in power, money, a few Jack Abramoffs, and stir gently - and you have Ralph Reed. Not pretty, and not a good loser either.
Any research of Mr. Reed generally reveals and reflects much of what is wrong with the Christian Coalition. What's the old saying "power corrupts" and "absolute power corrupts absolutely", well, I can't remember it exactly on this rainy, lazy Saturday, but Ralph has a fairly checkered past that is not too becoming for anyone, let alone someone directing a Christian organization. His nickname among insiders, not critics mind you, was Ralph "Greed".
Absolutely nothing wrong with Christians voicing their opinion in the marketplace - that's what it's all about. But in this day and age you throw in power, money, a few Jack Abramoffs, and stir gently - and you have Ralph Reed. Not pretty, and not a good loser either.
Friday, July 21, 2006
President Bush and the NAACP
After five years of rejection, the NAACP finally received a yes from President Bush that he would accept the civil rights' group invitation to speak at their annual convention yesterday. Better late than never? Doubtful - President Bush has never been good at playing politician and to finally agree to show up after five years of no thanks during a crucial election year is just too obvious.
I remember vividly Jim Dobson pouting because President Clinton would not invite Jim or Shirley to the National Day of Prayer during his 8 years in office. Dobson acted as if Clinton were sinning by the snub. Seems the far right has forgotten those days and I heard several times yesterday it was Bush's "right" to turn down the invitation since the group had been so critical of Bush. No hypocrisy there at all.
Tony Snow - Bush's Press Secretary - really reflected President Bush's and the Repub's attitude toward the group with these words:
"It is clear that in this nation, racism and discrimination are legally unacceptable, but there are also residues of the past that we have to address," Snow said in previewing the speech. "We have to find ways to make sure that the road to opportunity is clear for one and all."
Snow denied claims that this was Bush's way of atoning for the government's slow response to Hurricane Katrina. The Rev. Jesse Jackson and some black elected officials alleged that indifference to black suffering and racial injustice was to blame for the sluggish reaction to the disaster. In September 2005, Bush's top advisers met with black leaders to discuss their concerns.
"I think the president wants to make his voice heard," Snow said about Bush's speech. "He has an important role to play not only in making the case for civil rights but, maybe more importantly, the case for unity."
I remember vividly Jim Dobson pouting because President Clinton would not invite Jim or Shirley to the National Day of Prayer during his 8 years in office. Dobson acted as if Clinton were sinning by the snub. Seems the far right has forgotten those days and I heard several times yesterday it was Bush's "right" to turn down the invitation since the group had been so critical of Bush. No hypocrisy there at all.
Tony Snow - Bush's Press Secretary - really reflected President Bush's and the Repub's attitude toward the group with these words:
"It is clear that in this nation, racism and discrimination are legally unacceptable, but there are also residues of the past that we have to address," Snow said in previewing the speech. "We have to find ways to make sure that the road to opportunity is clear for one and all."
Snow denied claims that this was Bush's way of atoning for the government's slow response to Hurricane Katrina. The Rev. Jesse Jackson and some black elected officials alleged that indifference to black suffering and racial injustice was to blame for the sluggish reaction to the disaster. In September 2005, Bush's top advisers met with black leaders to discuss their concerns.
"I think the president wants to make his voice heard," Snow said about Bush's speech. "He has an important role to play not only in making the case for civil rights but, maybe more importantly, the case for unity."
You can just feel the apathy dripping off those sentences. After six years in office, the Prez has done nothing to bring anti-racist legislation into the 21st century. Not surprisingly, President Bush got 11% of the African American vote in 2004. His predecessor will get half that in 2008 - and deservedly so. The Republicans have written off the African American vote in favor of the far right Christian vote. And the far right wing clearly has no interest in African Americans - their interests are in whiter schools, wider roads and lower taxes - preferrably in that order.
Thursday, July 20, 2006
Racism on the Golf Course?
I've talked about Jeffrey here several times. Ever since I began the process a few months ago to help him I've become more sensitive to possible racism issues. I attended the Undoing Racism Taskforce meeting here in Lufkin once and have just generally raised my antennae more on this issue. To say the process has been sobering is an under-statement.
A couple of incidents happened in the past month I wanted to share - both dealing with possible racism and both happened on a golf course, which is somewhat odd to me.
The first incident happened to me and a friend and I was ticked about it for several days. I'm not a great golfer - but I've played alot of golf - low-90's golfer - and this has never happened to me - not once.
I was playing with my friend James. James has only played a few rounds of golf, but he is picking it up fast - catching on very well. James is my friend who helped me with Jeffrey and James happens to be African American. I usually don't announce that, but it's needed information unfortunately.
I knew the golf on this day would be slow going because James is just catching on, but, due to rain, the course traffic was very light - so I knew was glad traffic would not be a problem. Plus, I'm overly sensitive to slow play because I hate getting held up - so I knew this could have been an issue with a newbie on the course that was packed. So, this was good. James started slowly, but was improving with each shot and we were actually doing fairly well on time. We teed off on hole 3, a par 3, and James found out he had lost a head cover, so we zipped back up no. 2 and found it in the fairway. We passed three guys moving to the 2nd green, one of which I knew to be a scratch golfer. So, I said -- we'll let those guys play through when they catch us.
Well lo' and behold James starts really striking the ball well. I continued to monitor the guys behind us and I saw the other two guys with the scratch golfer were both bad golfers - like pretty bad hackers. I noticed they weren't bumping up against us - and it was clear that was the reason - the other two golfers were about like James - maybe worse. On hole 7, a long par 4, James had a bad hole, and the guys behind us just started bumping up against us really pretty good for the first time. As we were putting out - they were waiting in the fairway - so we actually just picked up and went on to No. 8 - a long par 5. I said let's tee off and see where these guys are. We both smoked 225 yard tee shots right down the middle. I noticed they were just starting to putt - so I said let's keep trucking.
As we were driving down the fairway - a young employee in a cart zipped past us - u-turned and came back to us as we approached our balls in the fairway. He said --"hey, can you guys speed up or let the guys behind you play through". Sure I said, no prob. The three behind us walked up to the tee box - and I looked back, waived them through and then we pulled behind a tree. The employee was with us was looking kind of sheepish -- and that's when it hit me - and it hit James as well. Those guys had called the clubhouse and complained they couldn't play through us several minutes prior! It was at least a 4 or 5 minute drive from the clubhouse. I immediately got pissed off, and James said "man, that just is not right". I said "you are correct". The three guys came through - the scratch golfer - who is obviously the one that called, had outdriven me by about 15 yards. He approached my ball and I said "you're the one past me". He didn't say a word - no thanks, nothing. Well, this is a first for me in 25 years of golf. Unbelievable. What possessed this guy to call the clubhouse - and was it, could it have been racially motivated. I think it was. I think this guy was either a class A butthead, scared, or just downright didnt' like the fact that he was going to play golf behind an African American. I'm still ticked by this incident.
The second incident was relayed to me by Malcolm, another African American friend that works at a local bank. Malcolm called me into his office when I was making a delivery recently and we started chatting about golf. We started talking about various area courses and he said he was "finished" with one course in particular. I asked why. He said he and some friends arrived at the course to play at 5 pm one Sunday evening - and the gal working stated the green fee was $40/person. That immediately sounded high to me for this course - even for a weekend. I asked Malcolm if he inquired about a twilight rate. He said yes, he did ask about a later afternoon rate, but was re-buffed with "we did away with the twilight rate recently". Call me mis-directed, but I think this gal simply wanted to send a message to four African American men that they weren't welcomed on this course. I could be wrong, but I seriously doubt she would have charged me $40 for the same round of golf at that time of the day.
A couple of incidents happened in the past month I wanted to share - both dealing with possible racism and both happened on a golf course, which is somewhat odd to me.
The first incident happened to me and a friend and I was ticked about it for several days. I'm not a great golfer - but I've played alot of golf - low-90's golfer - and this has never happened to me - not once.
I was playing with my friend James. James has only played a few rounds of golf, but he is picking it up fast - catching on very well. James is my friend who helped me with Jeffrey and James happens to be African American. I usually don't announce that, but it's needed information unfortunately.
I knew the golf on this day would be slow going because James is just catching on, but, due to rain, the course traffic was very light - so I knew was glad traffic would not be a problem. Plus, I'm overly sensitive to slow play because I hate getting held up - so I knew this could have been an issue with a newbie on the course that was packed. So, this was good. James started slowly, but was improving with each shot and we were actually doing fairly well on time. We teed off on hole 3, a par 3, and James found out he had lost a head cover, so we zipped back up no. 2 and found it in the fairway. We passed three guys moving to the 2nd green, one of which I knew to be a scratch golfer. So, I said -- we'll let those guys play through when they catch us.
Well lo' and behold James starts really striking the ball well. I continued to monitor the guys behind us and I saw the other two guys with the scratch golfer were both bad golfers - like pretty bad hackers. I noticed they weren't bumping up against us - and it was clear that was the reason - the other two golfers were about like James - maybe worse. On hole 7, a long par 4, James had a bad hole, and the guys behind us just started bumping up against us really pretty good for the first time. As we were putting out - they were waiting in the fairway - so we actually just picked up and went on to No. 8 - a long par 5. I said let's tee off and see where these guys are. We both smoked 225 yard tee shots right down the middle. I noticed they were just starting to putt - so I said let's keep trucking.
As we were driving down the fairway - a young employee in a cart zipped past us - u-turned and came back to us as we approached our balls in the fairway. He said --"hey, can you guys speed up or let the guys behind you play through". Sure I said, no prob. The three behind us walked up to the tee box - and I looked back, waived them through and then we pulled behind a tree. The employee was with us was looking kind of sheepish -- and that's when it hit me - and it hit James as well. Those guys had called the clubhouse and complained they couldn't play through us several minutes prior! It was at least a 4 or 5 minute drive from the clubhouse. I immediately got pissed off, and James said "man, that just is not right". I said "you are correct". The three guys came through - the scratch golfer - who is obviously the one that called, had outdriven me by about 15 yards. He approached my ball and I said "you're the one past me". He didn't say a word - no thanks, nothing. Well, this is a first for me in 25 years of golf. Unbelievable. What possessed this guy to call the clubhouse - and was it, could it have been racially motivated. I think it was. I think this guy was either a class A butthead, scared, or just downright didnt' like the fact that he was going to play golf behind an African American. I'm still ticked by this incident.
The second incident was relayed to me by Malcolm, another African American friend that works at a local bank. Malcolm called me into his office when I was making a delivery recently and we started chatting about golf. We started talking about various area courses and he said he was "finished" with one course in particular. I asked why. He said he and some friends arrived at the course to play at 5 pm one Sunday evening - and the gal working stated the green fee was $40/person. That immediately sounded high to me for this course - even for a weekend. I asked Malcolm if he inquired about a twilight rate. He said yes, he did ask about a later afternoon rate, but was re-buffed with "we did away with the twilight rate recently". Call me mis-directed, but I think this gal simply wanted to send a message to four African American men that they weren't welcomed on this course. I could be wrong, but I seriously doubt she would have charged me $40 for the same round of golf at that time of the day.
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
Jesus (Hay-zeus) Part 6
Well, hard to believe it's been a couple of weeks. In reality this could be Jesus Parts 6, 7 and 8 - there has been so much going on lately. Jesus and his family got moved in to their new home - a significant step up for them. I never thought I'd say this - it reflects my continued transformation from conservative Republican to moderate Democrat - but thank God for rent subsidy programs. In a perfect world we could keep these tax dollars and the church could help subsidize poor people's rent - but the church, in my opinion, is too wrapped up in membership consumerism these days - another post for another day.
Jesus has continued his quest in landing a job at Temple Inland. It is amazing how much more difficult this process is than it would seem. He finished up a second interview yesterday with them. A little mind-numbing to me that a hard, hot manual labor sawmill-type job would require two to three interviews - what in the world do you question or discuss after awhile?
I directed Jesus to my good friend and state representative Jim McReynolds' office a few days ago and Jesus had an informative conversation with Susan there. Jim's link is below:
Susan called me back and we chatted for several minutes. The general topic of the conversation was -- is Jesus really seeking out employment as desperately as he should be? I don't know - but I know he desperately wants a good job that pays the bills, and I also know he's terribly frustrated by the plight of his poverty right now.
In the midst of my busy schedule over the past two weeks and this rather dismal thought of Jesus' desire for work - I had a big breakthrough yesterday. I was sitting by a couple of friends at a weekly Lions Club luncheon, and Jay, the warehouse operations manager for Brookshire Brothers - a major employer in the area - informed me after I asked that he was definitely looking to hire right now. Wow - amazing how news like that will brighten your outlook!
I ran Jay's contact info. by Jesus last night - and we both got excited about it. I was also thrilled that Jesus had taken my prompting and went and got telephone service. I told him I would front his cost until he became employed - but we really didn't discuss money then. He also had a new, but quite old, truck in his driveway - a semi-gift from his parents in Beaumont. He has no money for gas or insurance now - but that is still a huge plus right now to have transportation available.
The boys, Josh and Jo-el were doing well and Jackie, the daughter, remains in Beaumont with grandparents - which troubles me - but I can't start letting things totally out of my control like that bother me.
I'm feeling much better today about Jesus' outlook today. He has a decent home, food, a phone, potential transportation, and - most importantly - hopefully he gets in touch with Jay - and lands a job at Brookshire Brothers.
Jesus has continued his quest in landing a job at Temple Inland. It is amazing how much more difficult this process is than it would seem. He finished up a second interview yesterday with them. A little mind-numbing to me that a hard, hot manual labor sawmill-type job would require two to three interviews - what in the world do you question or discuss after awhile?
I directed Jesus to my good friend and state representative Jim McReynolds' office a few days ago and Jesus had an informative conversation with Susan there. Jim's link is below:
Susan called me back and we chatted for several minutes. The general topic of the conversation was -- is Jesus really seeking out employment as desperately as he should be? I don't know - but I know he desperately wants a good job that pays the bills, and I also know he's terribly frustrated by the plight of his poverty right now.
In the midst of my busy schedule over the past two weeks and this rather dismal thought of Jesus' desire for work - I had a big breakthrough yesterday. I was sitting by a couple of friends at a weekly Lions Club luncheon, and Jay, the warehouse operations manager for Brookshire Brothers - a major employer in the area - informed me after I asked that he was definitely looking to hire right now. Wow - amazing how news like that will brighten your outlook!
I ran Jay's contact info. by Jesus last night - and we both got excited about it. I was also thrilled that Jesus had taken my prompting and went and got telephone service. I told him I would front his cost until he became employed - but we really didn't discuss money then. He also had a new, but quite old, truck in his driveway - a semi-gift from his parents in Beaumont. He has no money for gas or insurance now - but that is still a huge plus right now to have transportation available.
The boys, Josh and Jo-el were doing well and Jackie, the daughter, remains in Beaumont with grandparents - which troubles me - but I can't start letting things totally out of my control like that bother me.
I'm feeling much better today about Jesus' outlook today. He has a decent home, food, a phone, potential transportation, and - most importantly - hopefully he gets in touch with Jay - and lands a job at Brookshire Brothers.
Monday, July 03, 2006
Jesus (Hay-zeus) Part 5
Part 5 of Jesus is a mixture of good news/bad news. The good news is Jesus and his three teenage kids moved into a much nicer house that is subsidized by the Deep East Texas Council of Governments, or DETCOG as it is referred to around here, rent subsidy program. Jesus needs help in rent payment - sad but true to him. As he told me - "even at $10/hour, I can't make ends meet for my three kids". I think this house will be a much better place to establish a home in Lufkin for the DeLeon's. A second bit of good news in a bit....
The bad news is Jesus is still not employed. He called me last week from a State office where he was (begrudingly) applying for food stamps. You may recall he had an interview at a local manufacturing shop, and indications were a job would be offered. It was -- somewhat... Jack, the employer, instructed another worker to pick up Jesus last Monday at 6:00 am for work. Jesus was dressed and ready for work. Unfortunately, the other worker couldn't find his house and Jesus was never picked up. Jesus has no phone, no phone book, and he actually forgot the name of the place that Jack owns anyway. As bizarre as this sounds to me, these types of events are apparently fairly common for folks on the fringes. Jesus does not know his way around Lufkin at all because he has no car. He's not real good with remembering some details and he just simply didn't know what else to do other than wait - and no one showed up. So, he simply sat and waited.
The other bit of good news complicates things somewhat. Later that day Jesus got a call from the Employment agency that he had an interview with Temple Inland - a major area employer and Fortune 500 company. This would literally be a dream job for Jesus. Much better pay, benefits, and stability. The downside is this is shift work - meaning he may work a lot of midnight to 8 a.m. type hours. Not terrible - but with three teens at home that is tough.
I picked up Jesus at the State office and took him to pick up his driver's license - which had lapsed during this time and didn't have a correct address anyway. He filled me in on the interview process - and told me he did have a ride there and back. The next day Jesus called me from the employment office. I went and picked him up and drove him to the grocery store. The interview went with Temple well, and he has a second interview - but not for two weeks - ouch. Jesus needs work today. The dilemma now is -- does he work for Jack for a couple of weeks and hope for the Temple job - or wait? His food stamps request went through - great news - but it doesn't kick in for 40 days. They gave him $52 for emergency funds - which bought his groceries, but that's it for a month.
Another bit of bad timing is the Salvation Army is now between ministers. A new Captain is apparently on the way - but it will take him awhile to get up to speed with the DeLeon's dilemma. The Maldonado's were a true God-send for the DeLeon's - but they are moving on to a position in Waxahachie with the SA. They will be missed tremendously.
Jesus needs work, he needs money and he has little time. Things are coming together it appears - but time is not a friend right now.
I dropped by their house Friday for an update and no one was home. It bugged me all day Saturday and Sunday. I'll try again today.
The bad news is Jesus is still not employed. He called me last week from a State office where he was (begrudingly) applying for food stamps. You may recall he had an interview at a local manufacturing shop, and indications were a job would be offered. It was -- somewhat... Jack, the employer, instructed another worker to pick up Jesus last Monday at 6:00 am for work. Jesus was dressed and ready for work. Unfortunately, the other worker couldn't find his house and Jesus was never picked up. Jesus has no phone, no phone book, and he actually forgot the name of the place that Jack owns anyway. As bizarre as this sounds to me, these types of events are apparently fairly common for folks on the fringes. Jesus does not know his way around Lufkin at all because he has no car. He's not real good with remembering some details and he just simply didn't know what else to do other than wait - and no one showed up. So, he simply sat and waited.
The other bit of good news complicates things somewhat. Later that day Jesus got a call from the Employment agency that he had an interview with Temple Inland - a major area employer and Fortune 500 company. This would literally be a dream job for Jesus. Much better pay, benefits, and stability. The downside is this is shift work - meaning he may work a lot of midnight to 8 a.m. type hours. Not terrible - but with three teens at home that is tough.
I picked up Jesus at the State office and took him to pick up his driver's license - which had lapsed during this time and didn't have a correct address anyway. He filled me in on the interview process - and told me he did have a ride there and back. The next day Jesus called me from the employment office. I went and picked him up and drove him to the grocery store. The interview went with Temple well, and he has a second interview - but not for two weeks - ouch. Jesus needs work today. The dilemma now is -- does he work for Jack for a couple of weeks and hope for the Temple job - or wait? His food stamps request went through - great news - but it doesn't kick in for 40 days. They gave him $52 for emergency funds - which bought his groceries, but that's it for a month.
Another bit of bad timing is the Salvation Army is now between ministers. A new Captain is apparently on the way - but it will take him awhile to get up to speed with the DeLeon's dilemma. The Maldonado's were a true God-send for the DeLeon's - but they are moving on to a position in Waxahachie with the SA. They will be missed tremendously.
Jesus needs work, he needs money and he has little time. Things are coming together it appears - but time is not a friend right now.
I dropped by their house Friday for an update and no one was home. It bugged me all day Saturday and Sunday. I'll try again today.
Saturday, July 01, 2006
The Parking Space Mentality
As I write this I'm watching "the Secret" - an online movie that does a good job of detailing a popular subject referred to as the Law of Attraction. I'm a big believer in positive thinking and positive thoughts/actions, and I would recommend the Secret.
Invariably if you're listening, watching or reading on this subject, which I do a lot, some "guru" will mention the "perfect parking space" theory. This theory is....you pull into the mall or supermarket and you begin looking for a good parking space - or, one that requires limited walking on your part. The theory goes that - if you're in the right frame of mind - the perfect space will always open up for you. The guru always, and I mean always, states "it works for me 95% of the time".
In other words - this theory is - you're driving around the mall parking lot waiting for hidden forces to open up the perfect parking space for you because, frankly, you're lazy. And, the older lady right behind you looking for a close parking space because she's 80 and just can't walk very far is out of luck, right?
First, for the good part - this theory doesn't work for the guru 95% of the time. Well, I guess it actually could if the guru spends an hour driving around waiting for that perfect space. But, in reality it doesn't, it can't. BUT, to the guru, it does. It does because the guru believes it does, and, therefore he/she only chooses to remember the times it does. They blot from their memory the times it doesn't work. This is actually a good thing - focus on the good, and blot out the bad from your mind.
Now, here's a better way of thinking - to me any way.
Think "win/win" at all costs. If this activity doesn't benefit others around me - don't do it. If it is good for me and good for my fellow man - then it really is good. Outside of me being in poor health or being with an injury - taking the perfect parking space doesn't benefit others - it is only good for me. Now, obviously if passengers are with me - a pregnant wife, a small child, an elderly parent - this rule does not apply. The win/win now is that this good parking space benefits my passenger that needs it, and that other person would likely give us that space if they knew of my passengers needs.
But, if I'm alone - here is the attitude I take...
I pick the worst parking space and say this -- "I need the exercise. I'm in good shape because God has blessed me, because I'm energetic, and because I make the committment to good health and physical well-being. And, I choose to give up the good parking space to my fellow man that needs it much more than I do."
Try it. I guarantee you that you will go into the mall or supermarket with a good or better attitude than you would if you tried to "manifest" the perfect parking space for you.
Give and it will be given back in abundance. That is a law you can take to the bank.
Invariably if you're listening, watching or reading on this subject, which I do a lot, some "guru" will mention the "perfect parking space" theory. This theory is....you pull into the mall or supermarket and you begin looking for a good parking space - or, one that requires limited walking on your part. The theory goes that - if you're in the right frame of mind - the perfect space will always open up for you. The guru always, and I mean always, states "it works for me 95% of the time".
In other words - this theory is - you're driving around the mall parking lot waiting for hidden forces to open up the perfect parking space for you because, frankly, you're lazy. And, the older lady right behind you looking for a close parking space because she's 80 and just can't walk very far is out of luck, right?
First, for the good part - this theory doesn't work for the guru 95% of the time. Well, I guess it actually could if the guru spends an hour driving around waiting for that perfect space. But, in reality it doesn't, it can't. BUT, to the guru, it does. It does because the guru believes it does, and, therefore he/she only chooses to remember the times it does. They blot from their memory the times it doesn't work. This is actually a good thing - focus on the good, and blot out the bad from your mind.
Now, here's a better way of thinking - to me any way.
Think "win/win" at all costs. If this activity doesn't benefit others around me - don't do it. If it is good for me and good for my fellow man - then it really is good. Outside of me being in poor health or being with an injury - taking the perfect parking space doesn't benefit others - it is only good for me. Now, obviously if passengers are with me - a pregnant wife, a small child, an elderly parent - this rule does not apply. The win/win now is that this good parking space benefits my passenger that needs it, and that other person would likely give us that space if they knew of my passengers needs.
But, if I'm alone - here is the attitude I take...
I pick the worst parking space and say this -- "I need the exercise. I'm in good shape because God has blessed me, because I'm energetic, and because I make the committment to good health and physical well-being. And, I choose to give up the good parking space to my fellow man that needs it much more than I do."
Try it. I guarantee you that you will go into the mall or supermarket with a good or better attitude than you would if you tried to "manifest" the perfect parking space for you.
Give and it will be given back in abundance. That is a law you can take to the bank.
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