Monday, May 09, 2005

Trial Run

Procrastinators unite - I'm finally writing in my blog. No pics up yet, always have been slow with this computer thing, but we'll get one up soon, hopefully before the '06 Summer Olympics.

I guess life really is a trial run. We learn as we go, repeating the same mistakes over and over again - and either admit them, or not, get prideful or don't.

In my occupation I regularly talk to folks that have built several houses. They tell me you "start" to get the construction process down, get the mistakes worked out, about house Number 3 or 4. I've built one and it's filled with mistakes, but it's also filled with a ton of love.

It is amazing how a book, any book but particularly the Good Book, can speak so differently to you through life, depending on the stuff happening to you at that given moment. Brennan Manning's The Ragamuffin Gospel is speaking powerfully to me right now, and it is probably as much a reason for this blog's title and theme as anything. I purchased this book years ago because I was really digging Rich Mullin's music, flipped through it once, and let it start to gather dust about 10 minutes thereafter. Go figure - I can't put it down right now. Max Lucado is also speaking powerfully to me. I love what Max does, but I've never hung on his every word as I seem to be right now.

If you've found this blog my only question would be why and how.

Haven't found spellcheck yet - I will need to find that soon. Peace and warmth.

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